Monday, 22 August 2011

Cover Update and Unleashing the Underworld Update

Today has been a very productive day! I have received news that the cover is on track for completion within the next week or so. Hopefully, if all goes according to plan it will be completed by this weekend! Then it will just be a matter of getting the book up and running on a number of sites!

I did some further research and it looks like for the initial launch I will be trying to publish the book to Amazon, Smashwords (distributes from their site but also for Barnes and Noble, Apple (ibooks) and a number of other companies) as well as Create Space which is an affiliate of Amazon and does on demand printing for traditional paperback books ordered off of Amazon. What this means is that I am hoping that for the initial launch, The Wolf Guard - Encroaching Dark, should be available for every type of Ereader on the market as well as in the traditional format. As long as there are no administrative snags this should all go off without a hitch!

Now for some news on the second book of the series, Unleashing the Underworld. I am about half way through the first draft of the book and that means it may be completed even earlier than I had anticipated, which is certainly a good thing. It will all depend on how long the editing takes though, as well as writing the second half.

At the moment I am moving into a new house so I may be busy with that while at the same time working, writing and publishing the first novel. Busy next little while ahead of me but it is all very exciting. I appreciate all of the support!


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